Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nicole Richie "outsang" Jennifer Hudson in "We Are The World"

Loving mother of 2 and reformed party girl Nicole Richie joined her father, Lionel, in an all-star group of celebrity artists for the revamp of "We Are the World," once recorded for the African AIDS epidemic in 1985 and now revamped for Haitian earthquake relief (February 2).

Using her Twitter account, Richie spoke of her second chance to record for charity: "I was 4 years old in a studio watching my dad record We Are The World. Today I get to do it again. Excited to help make a change.”**

To add to the ever-joyful benefit for charity, Richie jokingly tweeted: "I hope Jennifer Hudson wasn’t upset that I was out singing her tonight."** As an Academy Award and Grammy-winning artist, however, Jennifer Hudson may have had the last laugh.

***2) Photo:

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