Monday, December 31, 2012
Report: Kim Kardashian is pregnant with Kanye West's child
Just when everyone thought that the quickly-deemed "Kimye" relationship had finally settled down, a new and surprisingly development was announced in the wee hours of the morning: Kim Kardashian is three months pregnant with Kanye West's child.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
MEET this year's Rebecca Black!: Nicole Westbrook stars in 'It's Thanksgiving' (video)
You thought Rebecca Black's "Friday" was terrible? Is it still stuck in your head? Is its music video forever frozen in your mind?
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Report: Disney buys Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion
For more information, click HERE.
Photo via Abduzeedo
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Brad Pitt shines as first male face of Chanel No. 5 perfume (videos)
With iconic former female faces such as Nicole Kidman (Moulin Rouge) and Audrey Tautou (The Da Vinci Code), it is surprising to see a male, Brad Pitt (Fight Club), as the new face of Chanel No. 5. With this new selection, Pitt becomes the first male face of the renowned female perfume.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Music Video FIRE!: Justin Bieber feat. Nicki Minaj in 'Beauty and a Beat'
SIDE NOTE: I haven't paid attention to the Justin Bieber phenomenon because I'm frankly too old for it, but with Nicki Minaj in the song and a really cute (dare I say "hot") video, I can't deny my attraction to "Beauty and a Beat." Way to pull me in, Bieber. Jeez!
Source via Global Grind
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Rihanna reveals cover for new album 'Unapologetic,' announces release date (photo)
The moment Rihanna fans have been waiting for is finally here! Rihanna tweeted the name of her new album, Unapologetic, and its cover art (seen above) hours ago. She also tweeted the release date of the album, November 19.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Music Video FIRE!: Coldplay in 'Hurts Like Heaven'
The music video for "Hurts Like Heaven" serves as the prequel to the "Mylo Xyloto" six-part comic book series, due for monthly release beginning February 2013. For more information, please visit
Source via ColdplayVEVO
Music Video FIRE!: P!nk in 'Try'
SIDE NOTE: I love the choreography and the paint and P!nk's outfit. This video is just fabulous. P!nk is just fabulous.
Source via Pop Crush
Monday, October 8, 2012
YouTube: Kid Fury shares his thoughts on Chris Brown, Rihanna, Karrueche situation (video)
SIDE NOTE: YES! YES! Yes, Yes...YES! That is all.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Lana Del Rey reveals snippets of 'Born to Die: The Paradise Edition' (video)
SIDE NOTE: Oh, Lana. I...I can't wait until this comes out. November 12th can't come fast enough!
Source via Lana Del Rey
Saturday, September 29, 2012
New MUSIC!: Rihanna in 'Diamonds'
SIDE NOTE: I know I'm late with posting this, but you guys should already know how I feel about this song, that being that I think it's FIRE, so there's not much to explain. Enjoy!
Photo via Rap-Up
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Trailer: Daniel Day-Lewis in 'Lincoln'
SIDE NOTE: I know I haven't posted anything in a while (my reasons can be explained HERE), but I had to take a moment to post this trailer. The film looks incredible and the cast and production seem phenomenal. I cannot wait to see this.
Source via Lincoln Movie
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Music VIDEO!: Brandy feat. Chris Brown in 'Put It Down'
SIDE NOTE: Is it me or does the video look cheap? Her swag is "on 100," as they say, but the visuals are not so great. I love the song and their vocals, so I guess everything balances out.
Source via That Grape Juice
Music Video TWOFER!: DJ Khaled & Kanye West in 'I Wish You Would (feat. Rick Ross)'/'Way Too Cold' w/ surprise cameo!

SIDE NOTE: Talk about a super music video! And as for the surprise...well, it really wasn't that much of a surprise. Check for "her" at the 5:12-mark.
Source via Perez Hilton
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Music VIDEO!: Nicki Minaj in 'Pound the Alarm'
SIDE NOTE: I agree with That Grape Juice's comment that she should have had more costume changes, but other than that, I think the video is fabulous. I think it's nice that she went back to her native Trinidad to shoot the video. It matches the hype and energy of the song so well. Bravo!
Source via That Grape Juice
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Trailer: Tom Hanks & Halle Berry star in 'Cloud Atlas'
SIDE NOTE: Other than the connection between the past and the present and themes of love, life and death, I have no idea what this movie is about or includes other than the fact that Halle Berry and Tom Hanks star in it, but I love that there's a mystery to it and it looks amazing! This is definitely on my list of must-see movies of late 2012. :)
Source via Wired
Friday, July 27, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Beyoncé steps out w/ Blue Ivy in New York (photo)
SIDE NOTE: Yes, the photo is blurry, but other than the photos that Beyonce posted herself on her Tumblr page, this is the first photo of Blue Ivy's face that has been snapped by an outside party since her birth (to my knowledge, at least). Isn't she adorable?! Finally, she's out and about and in public view. Isn't that what we all wanted? **clears throat**
Source via Power 99FM Philly
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
YouTube: Kingsley explains overexposure of 'YOLO'
SIDE NOTE: Kingsley, you are my hero. That is all.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Music Video FIRE!: No Doubt in 'Settle Down'
SIDE NOTE: First of all, the song "Settle Down" is awesome. It's positive, upbeat and reminiscent of No Doubt's old pop/rock/reggae sound without recreating anything from before. Its accompanying video is full of bright lights, energy, trucks and, of course, Gwen Stefani dancing in her highly energetic, signature style amongst of a group of people that are also partying hard. This is what No Doubt fans have been waiting 10 years for and the band did not disappoint. Bravo, No Doubt, bravo!
"Settle Down" is the first single off of No Doubt's new album Push and Shove, due for release September 25.
"Settle Down" is the first single off of No Doubt's new album Push and Shove, due for release September 25.
Source via Just Jared
Lady Gaga poses nude in first promotional ad for 'Fame' perfume (photo)
SIDE NOTE: Are those little monsters crawling all over her or miniature Gagas? Either way, this ad is FABULOUS!
Photo via Lady Gaga
MUST SEE MASH-UP!: *NSYNC's 'Girlfriend' & Justin Bieber's 'Boyfriend' (video)
SIDE NOTE: I have nothing against Justin Bieber or her hustle, but after looking at this mashup between *NSYNC's "Girlfriend" and his song "Boyfriend," I can't help but long for the pop music I had growing up in the '90s and early 2000s...ya know, The Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Mandy Moore, Jessica Simpson and the like. But it's a good mashup, nonetheless.
I hope no Beliebers are too upset over what I said. xD
Source via Pop Crush
A Letter from the Author
Hi Guys!
I know I haven't been updating as much as I should have or usually do and I have a good reason for that (lol). I'm moving to Maryland in six weeks to begin studies at Georgetown University and I was and am taken aback by how much planning has to go into such a big move. I am scheduled to move into my apartment on August 24. Once I have settled and have become acclimated to my new studies, I will surely get back to updating as much as I should be. I am sorry for the lack of updates and I am sorry to the hundreds and thousands of PammiePedia fans out there that come to my blog everyday and look forward to new content. Your favorite entertainment blog will return to its glorious status in two months. Thanks for having faith in me and being patient and thanks for supporting the blog. I love you all!
Pamela S. a.k.a iSHiNE :)
I know I haven't been updating as much as I should have or usually do and I have a good reason for that (lol). I'm moving to Maryland in six weeks to begin studies at Georgetown University and I was and am taken aback by how much planning has to go into such a big move. I am scheduled to move into my apartment on August 24. Once I have settled and have become acclimated to my new studies, I will surely get back to updating as much as I should be. I am sorry for the lack of updates and I am sorry to the hundreds and thousands of PammiePedia fans out there that come to my blog everyday and look forward to new content. Your favorite entertainment blog will return to its glorious status in two months. Thanks for having faith in me and being patient and thanks for supporting the blog. I love you all!
Pamela S. a.k.a iSHiNE :)
Friday, July 13, 2012
MUST SEE TRAILER!: James Franco, Mila Kunis, Michelle Williams & Rachel Weisz star in 'Oz, The Great and Powerful'
SIDE NOTE: A prequel to The Wizard of Oz? A PREQUEL to The Wizard of Oz?! **faints**
UPDATE: My good friend Jesse (@JVauBrooks) felt the need to remind me that Wicked the musical is also a prequel to The Wizard of Oz. I knew that, of course, but look at how awesome this film looks! It made me forget about the musical, if only for a few seconds (lol). But touché, Jesse, touché.
UPDATE: My good friend Jesse (@JVauBrooks) felt the need to remind me that Wicked the musical is also a prequel to The Wizard of Oz. I knew that, of course, but look at how awesome this film looks! It made me forget about the musical, if only for a few seconds (lol). But touché, Jesse, touché.
Source via Movie Pilot
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Jay-Z interrupts Kanye's acceptance speech at 2012 BET Awards (video)
SIDE NOTE: It's good to see everyone make light of the situation that three years ago nearly ruined Kanye's reputation and permissibility to attend award shows. It is also good--very good--that Kanye has changed. Kudos to him! :)
Source via Neon Limelight
Monica, Brandy, Cissy Houston & More tribute Whitney Houston at 2012 BET Awards (video)
SIDE NOTE: Did you cry when Cissy Houston performed onstage? It was impossible not to. The entire tribute was beautiful. Kudos to BET for putting it together so beautifully.
Source via Neon Limelight
Brandy tributes Whitney Houston at 2012 BET Awards (video)
SIDE NOTE: I will post more commentary tomorrow as it is 3:18 a.m. my time and I am really tired. Goodnight!
Source via Daily Motion
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Adele announces she is carrying her first child
Congratulations are in order for Adele! After enduring a former tumultuous relationship, inspiring her to write the multi-Grammy winning album 21, songbird Adele happily announced on her official site today that she is carrying her first child. See a screenshot of the announcement below:
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Music Video GREATNESS!: Lana Del Rey feat. A$AP Rocky in 'National Anthem'
This is the best music video I have seen in a long time. Lana Del Rey as Marilyn Monroe/Jackie O and A$AP Rocky as John F. Kennedy.... I have no words. Just watch the video. :)
Source via Neon Limelight
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Music Video TRAILER!: Lana Del Rey feat. A$AP Rocky in 'National Anthem'
SIDE NOTE: Lana puts out fabulous video after fabulous video with the vocals to back it. You gotta love her!
Source via Neon Limelight
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Music Video FIRE!: Katy Perry in 'Wide Awake'
SIDE NOTE: With the success she's had with Teenage Dream and now Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection, I couldn't be more proud of Katy Perry. She amassed five #1 singles from the original album, another one with "Part of Me" from the rerelease and she continuously puts out interesting and beautiful videos for each of her singles, including one for "Wide Awake" (seen above). I'm sad this is the last chapter of the Teenage Dream saga, but I am excited for what Katy has in store for us next, including her debut documentary/concert film Part of Me 3D due for release in July, aren't you?!
Source via Katy Perry
Thursday, June 14, 2012
MUST SEE!: 'SpongeBob' to be featured in first stop-motion Christmas special (video)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Music VIDEO!: Fiona Apple in 'Every Single Night'
Source via BuzzFeed
Friday, June 8, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Music Video FIRE!: Coldplay feat. Rihanna in 'Princess of China'
SIDE NOTE: I don't think you guys understand how much I love Coldplay and Rihanna. If you were to look at my iPhone right now, you would find that my two most played artists are Coldplay and Rihanna. I can't even explain what I'm going through right now.... The song is awesome. The video is awesome. They are awesome. I'm going to stop talking/typing before I explode with happiness and excitement! :D
Source via Coldplay VEVO
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
YouTube: Asia Star stars in 'The Getback'
Asia Star (played by Philadelphia native Tyriq Lamont) has taken her YouTube fame to new heights, appearing at birthday and college parties, on radio shows and even guest appearing on other YouTube stars' videos and now is starring in her own mini-movie titled The Getback. Please enjoy the video above and share and re-share it with all of your friends. She is doing "big things" for the second city that I call home and I could not be more proud.
To witness Asia's rise to fame, please visit her YouTube channel.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
YouTube: 'Act Like a Woman, But Think Like a....'
SIDE NOTE: He is hilarious and the sad thing is is that a lot of men actually do think like this, but not all. No one should be getting their panties in a bunch over this video. :)
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Must SEE!: Coldplay offers behind-the-scenes footage of 'Princess of China' video feat. Rihanna (video)
SIDE NOTE: I don't think you guys understand how excited I am for the video! I am a Rihanna "stan" and Coldplay is my all-time favorite band, so for those two to come together and actually collaborate on a song and, on top of that, put out a video for it is just...I can't even put it into words. This video needs to hurry up and come PRONTO! :D
Source via Neon Limelight
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Chris Brown's 'Theraflu' remix sparks controversy, starts feud w/ Rihanna
Just when everyone thought that the feud between Chris Brown and Rihanna was "kaput, finished," rumors of it reigniting surfaced after a remix of Kanye West's "Theraflu" (now titled "Way Too Cold") featuring Brown hit the blogosphere Wednesday. Take a listen to the remix below:
Monday, May 7, 2012
Music Video FIRE!: Kanye West feat. Bon Iver in 'Lost in the World'
SIDE NOTE: Only Kanye West can release a video for a song from an album that is two years old (My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy) and precedes his latest work (Watch the Throne with Jay-Z) and it still be as compelling, popular and significant as it would have been if it was released years prior. Kudos to you, Kanye. Kudos.
Source via That Grape Juice
Friday, May 4, 2012
Music VIDEO!: Justin Bieber in 'Boyfriend'
SIDE NOTE: With Usher being Justin Bieber's mentor and Chris Brown being one of his good friends, I'm not surprised at the final product of this song or video at all. I've never understood the whole "Bieber phenomenon" because I'm just too old for it, but I respect his work. I'm sure this is a hit with the "tweens" and the song is undeniably catchy. Go Bieber! :)
Source via Justin Bieber VEVO
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
New MUSIC!: Usher feat. Rick Ross in 'Lemme See'
SIDE NOTE: Wait, was Usher just rapping? Oh ok. The song's hot, though. Rick Ross did his thing, as always. :)
Photo/Audio via Rap Radar
Music Video FIRE!: Rihanna in 'Where Have You Been'
SIDE NOTE: Rihanna gave me LIFE with this video. Everything was perfect! I don't have much else to say. I'm a proud stan and I knew she could do it. I hope the haters are thirsty now. :)
Source via
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
New Music FIRE!: Brandy feat. Chris Brown in 'Put It Down'
SIDE NOTE: ! Brandy, you better work it! I've been waiting for a single like this from her for years. Do that! Oh yes!
My inner Brandy stan is coming back out. She's been hiding since Brandy's Never Say Never/Full Moon days. :)
Photo/Audio via World According to Monte
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
TV legend Dick Clark dead at 82
In what is most certainly sad news for the entertainment industry as a whole, legendary TV producer and host Dick Clark died today of a heart attack in Los Angeles, according to TMZ and The Huffington Post and confirmed by ABC News. He was 82-years-old.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Nicki Minaj deletes Twitter account, shares harsh words w/ fansite
Nicki Minaj has never been one to hold her tongue and she certainly did not after discovering that a fansite leaked music from her new album, Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded, before it debuted. Nicki Daily, the site accused of leaking the music, was blocked by Nicki on Twitter in recent weeks and received some harsh words from the star before she surprisingly announced that she was deleting her account. Here's what she had to say:
Tupac appears as hologram, performs alongside Snopp Dogg at Coachella 2012 (video)

SIDE NOTE: To be gone 16 years and still have that affect on people is amazing...and the hologram looks f**king cool (lol)! Props to Dr. Dre and the creative team that put that together. It was AWESOME!
Source via Perez Hilton
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
YouTube: Batman warns Robin of deceitful girlfriend, says 'Yolo' in new animated video
My favorite line: "Batman has no limits, 'kay? You wanna come or not? YOLO!" LMAO.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
New MUSIC!: Kanye West in 'Theraflu'
From the cover art, one can only assume that the song will be CRAY!
Listen to "Theraflu" after the break:
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
YouTube: Kid Fury talks about why assumptions are 'The Devil's Gatorade'
Trailer: Whitney Houston shines as a mother of three girls forming a hit girl group in 'Sparkle'
For complete details on Houston's untimely death, click HERE.
Source via The Huffington Post
Sunday, April 1, 2012
New Music TWOFER!: Chris Brown in 'Oh Yeah?' & 'See Through'
After successfully completing a comeback run with the release of his latest album F.A.M.E. last year (and later winning a Grammy for it), Chris Brown quickly announced the release of a follow-up album titled Fortune, due for release in May. As angst builds up for it, Brown decided to reward his fans by releasing two songs not related to the new album: "Oh Yeah?" and "See Through."
Listen to both songs, below:
Friday, March 30, 2012
New MUSIC!: Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull in 'Dance Again'
"Dance Again" is Jennifer Lopez's second collaboration with Pitbull following their Top Ten single, "On the Floor."
Give it a listen, below:
MUST SEE!: Will Ferrell announces 'Anchorman' sequel as Ron Burgundy on 'Conan' (video)
SIDE NOTE: Awesome! :)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
New MUSIC! Iggy Azalea feat. T.I. in 'Murda Bizness'
NEW ARTIST ALERT! According to fellow blog That Grape Juice, Iggy is on the same label as Lana Del Rey, Interscope Records, and her first album, The New Classic, is due for release later this year.
Listen to "Murda Bizness" below:
Nicki Minaj's birthday kiss from Madonna FINALLY hits the web (video)
SIDE NOTE: It's not even as dramatic as people were making it out to be. I digress.
Source via Neon Limelight
New MUSIC! Justin Bieber in 'Boyfriend'
SIDE NOTE: I've never been a part of a the Justin Bieber "fandemonium," but I find the song hilarious and appealing all at once. I could see the eagerness rappers would have trying to jump on the track and make the first remix. Is this a crossover hit? I'm not sure, but it's enjoyable. Enjoy! :)
Photo/Source via Neon Limelight
Katy Perry performs 'Part of Me' at 2012 Echo Awards (video)
SIDE NOTE: I know this is late, but word around the blogosphere is that she doesn't perform this song live all. I agree, it could've been better, but it's still a great song. Go Katy!
Source via Neon Limelight
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Poster: Chris Rock & Ben Stiller star as Marty & Alex in 'Madagascar 3'
SIDE NOTE: I don't care if I'm 23-years-old. I loveeee the Madagascar movies! I can't wait!
Photo via Movie Fanatic
Photo via Movie Fanatic
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Katy Perry covers Jay-Z & Kanye's 'N**gas in Paris' on BBC's Radio 1 'Live Lounge' (video)
SIDE NOTE: Katy knows she's my favorite, right after Rihanna and before Lana Del Rey. :D
Source via Killer Hip Hop
Music VIDEO!: Lana Del Rey in 'Blue Jeans'
SIDE NOTE: I love the video. I love Lana. I love everything. I'm going to start "stan-ing" for her extra hard. :D
Source via That Grape Juice
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Rihanna talks to Ryan Seacrest about Chris Brown collaborations, calls him 'Hottest R&B artist out right now' (audio)
SIDE NOTE: I've given my two cents on the issue dozens of times. I'll let the interview speak for itself.
Source via Neon Limelight
(Not-So-New) MUSIC!: Katy Perry in 'Dressing Up' (snippet)
Can't get enough of the sumptuous Katy Perry? Who can, in all honesty? The song, "Dressing Up," was originally written and scheduled to be listed on the Teenage Dream album, but was cut from the final tracklist. It will now be included on the rerelease of the album, titled Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection, available in stores and via digital download March 26.
Music VIDEO!: Ashanti in 'The Woman You Love'
SIDE NOTE: I'm not a big fan of the song and the video surely didn't help, in my opinion. I hope her second single is better! :D
Source via Ashanti VEVO
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