Thursday, January 7, 2010

Katy Perry & Russell Brand to Wed


One of the most provocative and flambouyant entertainers of 2009, Miss Katy Perry, has annouced numerous times that it is ok to kiss a boy (as well) and bloggers and Perry-fans worldwide rejoiced in this statement as it was confirmed by the press that Perry, 25, and British comedian Russell Brand, 34, are engaged to be married (January 6).

According to, Brand proposed to Perry during their holiday vacation in India, in which he got down on one knee while "in a tent at the foot of a mountain" on New Years Eve.**

Brand is reported is saying to UK's The Sun, "It's true. Much love,"** while Perry reached fans via Twitter and said, "So when do I start walking the streets naked singing that Alanis [Morrisette] song?"***

The date of the wedding has not been announced.

****3) Photo 1:
****4) Photo 2:

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