Monday, September 16, 2013

Beyoncé pulled off stage by excited fan in Brazil (video)

At a stop in Brazil for The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour, a shirtless fan almost pulled Beyoncé off stage and into the crowd. While performing "Irreplaceable," Beyoncé ducked down towards the crowd as the man grabbed her. Security quickly pulled her out of the situation and she then continued to perform the song.

A few seconds later, Beyoncé said to the audience, "Hey, hey,'s alright. ...He just got excited." She then asked the man for his name and said, "Thank you. I love you too."

Perez Hilton posted a GIF of Beyoncé's initial reaction to the incident. See it below:

SIDE NOTE: That was extremely nice of her, wasn't it? Beyoncé could have retaliated, but decided to maintain her "cool" and continued the performance. She even reached out to the man after the incident. What a way to handle things!

Video via Mashable

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